Hybrid Herbivores Pack

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About the Pack

Hybrid Herbivores Pack.png

The Hybrid Herbivores Pack contains various Hybrid Herbivores. Segnosuchus is featured on the cover and is also the outcome with the highest probability.


Card 1: Card 2: Card 3: Card 4:
2500 DNA (25%) 2500 DNA (25%) 2500 DNA (25%) Segnosuchus (25%)
500 Dino Bucks (75%) 500 Dino Bucks (75%) 500 Dino Bucks (75%) Unayrhynchus (8%)
- - - Ankylodocus (14%)
- - - Stegoceratops (17%)
- - - Giganocephalus (18%)
- - - Parasaura (20%)