Woolly Mammoth

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About Woolly Mammoth

The Woolly Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) is a species of mammoth that lived during the Pleistocene until its extinction in the Holocene epoch. It was one of the last in a line of mammoth species, beginning with Mammuthus subplanifrons in the early Pliocene. The woolly mammoth began to diverge from the steppe mammoth about 800,000 years ago in East Asia. Its closest extant relative is the Asian elephant. DNA studies show that the Columbian mammoth was a hybrid between woolly mammoths and another lineage descended from steppe mammoths. The appearance and behaviour of this species are among the best studied of any prehistoric animal because of the discovery of frozen carcasses in Siberia and Alaska, as well as skeletons, teeth, stomach contents, dung, and depiction from life in prehistoric cave paintings. Mammoth remains had long been known in Asia before they became known to Europeans in the 17th century. The origin of these remains was long a matter of debate, and often explained as being remains of legendary creatures. The mammoth was identified as an extinct species of elephant by Georges Cuvier in 1796.[1]

In Game

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Lvl 40 Stats

Evolution Table

Stage Rewards Facts Appearance





1 None 5475 None None Scientists can tell the age of a Woolly Mammoth by counting the amount of rings in its tusks - just like a tree! Woolly Mammoth lvl 10.png
2 None 46440 None None Ancient humans hunted Woolly Mammoth, probably to extinction. These hunts are shown in prehistoric cave paintings: the oldest art ever! Woolly Mammoth lvl 20.png
3 100 212800 None None Over 35 Woolly Mammoths have been discovered throughout the years. Some are almost complete and frozen solid! Woolly Mammoth lvl 30.png
4 100 899385 None 158 Although most Woolly Mammoths went extinct 10,000 years ago, a small population survived in the arctic until 1650 BCE! Woolly Mammoth lvl 40.png

Creature Stats

Level Food Cost Coins Per 3 Hours Health Attack
1 5472 438 604 140
2 10792 876 638 147
3 16264 1314 671 155
4 21584 1752 705 163
5 27056 2189 738 171
6 32376 2627 772 178
7 37848 3065 805 186
8 43168 3503 839 194
9 48640 3940 873 202
10 70DNA.png


4378 906 209
11 46436 9631 1175 271
12 50692 10507 1217 281
13 54948 11382 1259 291
14 59052 12258 1301 300
15 63232 13133 1342 310
16 67488 14009 1384 320
17 71744 14884 1426 329
18 75924 15760 1468 339
19 80180 16635 1510 349
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17511 1552 359
21 36772 1913 442
26 263340 45528 2165 500
27 273524 47279 2215 512
28 283556 49030 2265 523
29 293740 50781 2316 535
30 52532 2366 547
40 None 52532 3348 773

Packs that Contain Woolly Mammoth



