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About Irritator

Irritator is a genus of spinosaurid dinosaur that lived in the early Cretaceous Period, around 110 million years ago. Current estimations indicate a length of 8 meters. In 2010, Gregory S. Paul gave lower estimations of 7.5 meters and one ton.

In Game

Irritator is the third cheapest Rare Carnivore. It also has the shortest hatching time for rare dinosaurs. A Hybrid, Diplotator, can be made by fusing Irritator and Diplocaulus. Irritator is often considered the weakest of the Rare Carnivores due to its low health; it is also directly outclassed by Pyroraptor, Tyrannotitan, Carnotaurus, Ophiacodon, and Monolophosaurus. It can be unlocked by beating battle stage 18.

Lvl 40 Stats

Evolution Table

Stage Rewards Facts Appearance





1 None 575 None None Irritator describes the way scientists felt when an altered skull fossil required many hours of restoration. Irritator Lvl1.png
2 None 4145 None None It is unknown where the Irritator was discovered as its fossils were collected illegally by fossil dealers. Irritator Lvl20.png
3 21 9510 None None Its full name is Irritator challenger,[sic] which is derived from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's character, Professor Challenger. Irritator Lvl30.png
4 42 15075 42 None Did you know that the Irritator is a close cousin to the Spinosaurus and share skull features? Irritator Lvl40.png

Packs that Contain Irritator

